Ever notice that sometimes a person who knows very little about your company initially can end up explaining what you do better than you can yourself? That’s what happened when journalist Janet Cho from The Plain Dealer called to ask if EA would be interested in talking to her about our unique niche in the marketplace for a possible story. After looking at her past feature stories, we eagerly agreed knowing that she is talented and can make even a complicated story interesting and easily digestible to the masses.
After our interview, Janet came back with her colleague, Gus Chan, a PD photographer for a few extra details. Here is the Executive Arrangements profile that appeared in the 12/29/18 Sunday newspaper. It sums up what EA does and how we are different from executive search firms, realtors, the convention & visitor’s bureau, and the chamber of commerce.
Thank you to Janet and Gus! We couldn’t have said it better ourselves. EA is also grateful to our recent relocatees for their willingness to share your Northeast Ohio transition stories, including Dr. Andrew Pieper (University Hospitals Health System), Meghan Walsh (Progressive Corp), and Preety Sidhu and Joe Adler (Cardinal Health at Home) for sharing your stories. And, EA is thankful for the best clients in the world, including Dr. Mukesh Jain and Alissa Alfaro at the Harrington Discovery Institute at University Hospitals.
Happy New Year!