New to Cleveland? Or lived here for awhile and not sure what we grow and where to find a pick your own farm? Well we've got some ideas for you. The...
Cleveland: The Spot for Seeing the Solar Eclipse
As the solar eclipse approaches, everyone in the Path of Totality (Cleveland included) is making plans for where they will be and who they will be...
Meet Newcomer Daniela Truver
Q. How many cities and/or countries did you live in before you arrived in the Cleveland/Akron market last year? A. Florida was my home away from...
Getting Through a Cleveland Winter Intact
For all the EA newcomers to Cleveland/Akron who are facing their first winter in our town... When I re-read this Surviving Cleveland Winters blog we...
October Family Fun
If you haven't spent an Autumn in NE Ohio and are spending your first here, you're welcome! Crisp evenings, blue sky days, and many options for...
Meet EA’s Lynne Brenner – Involved and Engaged
Q. When you first heard about Executive Arrangements, what appealed to you about working for the company? A. A friend whose sister-in-law worked for...
Cleveland Foundation’s New Neighborhood
Wow, just wow. The Cleveland Foundation's new headquarters at E. 66th and Euclid Ave. will be a gamechanger for this neighborhood. From the minute...
Staff Spotlight: Margie Biggar
We asked EA's Director of Employee Experience (and long time Project Manager/Guide) to answer a few questions to showcase her personality and...
Fellow Bibliophiles Trust Us, You Don’t Want to Miss This Series
Penned by Nadia Schroth, Project Manager/Guide at EA. If you love the arts, Cleveland has you covered. We all know about the theatres of Playhouse...