by Margy Judd | Jan 31, 2023 | Arts & Culture, Dining, Nightlife, Shopping, Recruitment & Relocation
Client Priorities/Focus: 60% of our candidates were pre-decision so our clients were counting on us to help them close the deal and get to a yes. The other 40% of our candidates had already said yes to the job/relo so our clients needed us to provide a smooth...
by Margy Judd | Nov 15, 2021 | Arts & Culture, Cost of Living & Economy, Development News, Healthcare & Hospitals, NE Ohio in the News, Neighborhoods & Housing, Traffic & Commute
Monday, November 15, 2021 Was it just me, or does it seem a bit prophetic that just days after Cleveland elected a 34 year old change agent named Justin Bibb to be our next Mayor, the final stretches of the appropriately named Opportunity Cooridor opened this...
by Margy Judd | Jul 2, 2019 | Newcomer Profiles
Every year we have a night in my backyard that we lovingly call Girl Power, an annual gathering to connect the professional women Executive Arrangements helped to woo and relocate to Northeast Ohio. And so no one gets lost in the shuffle, each newcomer has a chance to...
by Margy Judd | Aug 30, 2017 | Cost of Living & Economy
August 29, 2017 – “Your city grew up as an industrial steel town, but what makes it hum now?” a recent candidate asked. It’s a natural question for someone considering a move. Most people want to feel that they are moving to a town that is more...
by Margy Judd | May 22, 2017 | Healthcare & Hospitals
Monday, May 15, 2017 – Today our staff spent the morning at the Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging. This visit was necessary partly because more of the people we are helping to relocate to NE Ohio have aging parents they care for and partly because many of us are...